Well i'm white but i have a latino backround. When i grow my hair out it becomes an afro my hair is super thick,super curly and super dry i can't do anything to make my hair look cool. The only thing that looked cool was when i grew it past my sholders and dreaded it, but my scalp was so greasey and itchy when i did that....I HATE MY HAIR!!! I CAN'T DO ANYTHING WITH IT!!!! i don't brush or comb it when it's long cuz it turns into a black power fro when it do that! it looks cooler when i let it matt. now i shaved all my hair off a month ago now it's about 2 fingers long the curls haven't formed yet. i've wanted that choppy scene hair for the longest time i had a friend who had curly hair as well but it was white guy curly hair anyways he chemically straightened it like a year ago and he has that scene hair now could i do the same thing as well with my shitty hair?
Does chemically straightening your hair work???
ok. lol. u seemed stress so hope this can get u somewhere with ur problem. u MUST ask your hairdresser about getting your hair chemically straightened first! its so important to listen to them because getting ur hair chemically straightened can be VERY damaging to your hair!! but.. i have seen and know a few pplz who have chemically straighten hair and it looks great! yes i think u could i meen any1 can get it done!
Hope this got u sumwhere at least
:] xxoo
Does chemically straightening your hair work???
It does work. I know lots of people who do it but once it grows out it'll be back to your old hair.
Does chemically straightening your hair work???
Yes it does work, but you need to get a touch up on your roots every month or so because your roots will be curly and the rest of your hair will be straight. And that doesnt look so good. So make sure you have the money to mantain it before you do it.
閳?br>Does chemically straightening your hair work???
I know a few people who do it, and it does work, but I heard it can sometimes burn the scalp. Check with a few salons, and see what they reccommend.
Does chemically straightening your hair work???
you should go to a salon. they will be best to help you manage your hair. dont go putting things like that in your hair. its best to let a professional do it. you dont want to over process and then your hair will be brittle and break off.
Does chemically straightening your hair work???
your hair might fall out...
Does chemically straightening your hair work???
honestly..i would not advise you to chemically straighten your hair...i got that done to myself..and lets just put it this way..it made my hair completely flat..no body..and when i would comb my hair parts would even come out with the comb....it might be easier if you get it relaxed..it calms down the hair making it easier to straighten..it took my 2 years to get my hair back to the way it was.
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