I have naturally wavy hair, and I straighten it pretty much every day. I was recently thinking about getting my hair chemically straightened, but my friend who has had it done before said that if you let your hair air dry after getting it permamently straightened, it will still dry wavy.
So then what is the point of getting it chemically straightened? I'm getting tired of using a flat iron every day, and I'm not willing to let it go natural- straight just looks so much better on me.
Permament hair straightening- what's the point?
I got my hair permanently straightened and your friend is right the hair dries wavy when I air dry it but believe me my hair is soooooo much more manageable than it was before. But I do need to use the flat iron to get my hair super straight but its a lot easier to do then before, it used to take me like an hour and a half! Just make sure you go to a salon that actually have worked on your type of hair before, one time I went to this salon that never permanently straightened my hair and all they just did was buy this box of hair straightening chemical that anyone could get at a grocery store and used that and charged me like $100... it lasted like 2 days.
Permament hair straightening- what's the point?
Well its not permantly straighting you still have to straighten it some and you have to go in every 8 weeks!!
California Girl
Permament hair straightening- what's the point?
I usually dont recommend those things.. because.. I dont want to take the risk of detroying my hair.. anyways... if you really wanna make your hair straight.. follow this tips!!
1. Conditioner for oily hair
I have naturally oily, straight hair and I used a shampoo with conditioner and then applied a leave-in conditoner to prevent static. It worked! I used mousse and a bit of hair spray and was static-free almost all day.
2. static....
i get static hair all the time...for short releif of it, use a dryer sheet. i dont know what it is that helps but it does! don't use it for very long though.
3. Moisturizer for hair Rebecca Featherston
Several years ago I was introduced to SEBASTION Potion #9. This is a leave in hair moisturizer, not a conditioner. It's used in place of, after you shampoo. Use it regularly throughout the winter months and you will notice a difference!
4. Winter hair rejuvination Rebecca
Get your hairstylist to color your hair with REDKIN SHADES...this is a conditioning, non-peroxide color wash, you can brighten your hair color by using the shades and mixing with clear to tone down to an acceptable level for your taste. This is a great treatment for the wintertime, it brightens your hair, and deep conditions it at the same time. You'll be hooked after one treatment!
5. Fly Away Hair
If you are having trouble with fly away hair try this. Rinse hair, after shampooing, every now and then with a good liquid clothes conditioner. It greatly cuts down the static in your hair.
6. Surefire Success
Keep your hat on till spring, maybe early summer.
7. To Fight Static...
I have super long (3 1/2 ft. from crown to tips), super thin, super straight hair and static in the winter is a nightmare for me. I have learned 3 good ways of combating it however. #1 Keep a trial size bottle of a leave in spray conditioner with you at all times (you can buy these in drug stores for pennies). #2 Run a dryer sheet over your hair. #3 Spray something like Static Guard over your hair (this may stink but it's effective).
8. Smooth Hair
My stylist told me that when you rinse out your conditioner, you should use colder water. When you look at a piece of hair under a microscope, it looks like the shingles of a roof. When you use colder water to rinse out your conditioner, it closes those "shingles" and makes your hair smoother.
9. Better hair
Before showering, I comb my hair one last time. This helps to distribute the natural oils in your hair. When in the shower, I usually comb my conditioner into my hair paying special attention to the tips because this is where your hair has less moisture. When I'm done I usually blast cold water onto my hair. This helps with keeping the hair moisturized since it closes the hair shaft and it makes your hair extremely shiny.
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