Tuesday, November 17, 2009

Does chemical straightening cause damage to the hair?

I got my hair straightened a couple months ago and have noticed that my hair has been thinning heaps. Lots of hair have been falling from my head, especially in the shower. Are there any products i can use to fix this or help my hair become healthy again?

Does chemical straightening cause damage to the hair?

Goodness, YES, it does cause LOTS of damage to your hair. You should get the ends snips if you have any split ends, and deep codition your hair like once or twice a week to get it healthy. You could also try some volumizing or thickening shampoo and conditioner. Those work pretty good.

Does chemical straightening cause damage to the hair?

You need a haircut and a protein treatment.

Does chemical straightening cause damage to the hair?

Any kind of chemical anything damages hair. Be careful with this stuff...you might just want to go with what nature gave you. Curly CAN be beautiful!

Does chemical straightening cause damage to the hair?

yes it will damage ur hair

try using hair cholesterol i used it and my hairs getting better you can find it at walmart. i no it sounds funny but, try it !!! :)

Does chemical straightening cause damage to the hair?

Any time you put any chemical on your hair it causes damage. Try a hot oil treatment to repair some of the damage (you put a heat cap on after covering your hair in oil they sell at beauty supply stores). Other than that deep conditioners can repair some of the damage, aside from that option-- only time will heal it.

Does chemical straightening cause damage to the hair?

the best thing to do is to go back to where you got it done and talk to the manager, show her your hair. they should have a record on what they used, that way they will know what to use to treat it. good luck

Does chemical straightening cause damage to the hair?

After-Care for Colored or Chemically-Treated Hair


What can I do about my naturally curly hair...straightening-wise? [Picture link included.]?

I can't straighten it but with a salon straightner that heats up to 420 degrees; it more or less fries my hair straight and costs 70 bucks, that I don't have every couple of days. Because after I straighten it, then wash it...it just frizzes out again.

It's worse than you think; here's a link: http://i238.photobucket.com/albums/ff257...

Excuse my face.

I just need advice on what to do with this mop. :

What can I do about my naturally curly hair...straightening-wise? [Picture link included.]?

|Hey...my hair is exactly the same as yours. There are two options. FIrst you can opt to get a perm to chemically relax your hair. The pros are that it will be easier to blow dry and style but the cons are that long term it will destroy your hair and you can't keep doing it forever b/c you hair will break. also you still have to use a flat iron-it doesnt take the curl out completely it just makes it easier to style.

Second, you could just invest in a really good professional ceramic straightener yourself and a good round brush and blow dryer. It would be a big cost upfront but would save you going to the salon either for a perm or for a blow out and straighten. Make sure you get a ceramic one because that helps to seal your cuticles of your hair and will not damage your hair as much as a perm would.

Trust me, I feel your pain-curly hair is both a blessing and a curse haha. Just think, ppl would die to have the best of both worlds, and you do!!

GOOD luck

Oh also, when you use the flat iron yourself, get a good silicone serum to protect the hair

What can I do about my naturally curly hair...straightening-wise? [Picture link included.]?

ask ur salon about getting a perm.....a straight perm. my husband got it done and it looked good. they just put i chemicals in ur hair to relax it. it lasts for a few months or however long.

What can I do about my naturally curly hair...straightening-wise? [Picture link included.]?

You need permanent straight, sweetie....that hair would be disaster everytime you woke up from bed...

What can I do about my naturally curly hair...straightening-wise? [Picture link included.]?

It depends.

If you're looking for a more permanent solution then I would suggest relaxing your hair. But if it's just a once or twice a week thing then buy some straighteners, put some kind of a buffer on your hair (so it doesn't fry so badly) - this could be a light grease/oil or creme.

You've got great hair by the way.

What can I do about my naturally curly hair...straightening-wise? [Picture link included.]?

i agree with her

What can I do about my naturally curly hair...straightening-wise? [Picture link included.]?

I actually like your hair ^^

I love big hair like that. Like Claudio Sanchez =]

look him up =]


What can I do about my naturally curly hair...straightening-wise? [Picture link included.]?

wow ill try my best to help you.. first I would say get your dead ends trimmed. Curly hair is very easily broken. We are more likely to have split ends and breakage throughout our hair. So ya deff. get regular haircuts about every 6 weeks sometimes i get them sooner if i straightened my hair since the last time. Alright heres another tip..... DEEEEEEP CONDITION!!!! i cant say for sure but your hair LOOKS dry so i would definatly invest on a really good deep conditioner, I use aussi because it moisturizes and gets rid of a lot of frizz. TRY NOT TO STRAIGHTEN YOUR HAIR ALL THE TIME!!!! it will seriously dry out your hair and pretty much end up where you are now so try to do it only for special occasions. Ok for styling you should use a liquidy gel with a little of really thick creme conditioner. My gel i use works AMAZING! i use, Paul Mitchell express style, Round trip whitch is as i said, a liquid curl definer. The thick creme i use with it is from Garnier Fructis. It is called soft curl cream and it jsut gets rid of frizz. What i do it about 1 pump of the gel and a finger tip of the cream, i just work it throughout my hair then scrunch and if you need to but a little more of both to grab your hair from roots and pull down so it looks more tamed. BUT on rainy days you might be saying im screwed but I also sometimes bring Bedhead Ego boost so that if I have frizz during the day I can soften them and tame them. When you shamppoo, first of all you want a shampoo that is for your hair type which based on the picture is most likely frizzy and dry so get a moisturizing and frizz shampoo. Dont shampoo every day I do it about every 2 days and it seems to work great. Always condition!!!! even if you dont need to wash your hair condition anyway!! And when you get out of the shower, pat dry your hair and let it air dry. Well hope i helped if you hav any questions email me =]=]

oh ya and you might need more than 1 pump of gell and a fingertip of cream because your hair is longer and thicker than mine... but dont overdo it you dont want to end up with your hair as hard as a rock.

Hair Straightening Korea?

I will be going to south korea soon and I am wondering if they have any salons where I can straighten my hair with chemical relaxers e.g Dark %26amp; Lovely, Motions etc

Hair Straightening Korea?

Never be to south korea

Hair Straightening Korea?

Im under the impression that you think South Korea a non-modern country. South korea is a pretty modern and civilized country, contrary to what u may think. Some top electronic companies are there (such as samsung, LG, etc) and there are places kinda like NYC (u know what i mean), and even the UN secretary post or something is taken by a guy from South Korea. So what u should assume is, if something exists in America it probably exists there. (including ur hair straightening salons :)

Hair Straightening Korea?

I agree with curious dude :)

Hair Straightening Korea?

i would say, if you are going to Korea, get an implant or plastic surgery. they are good at that. i don't know about hairs, you can do it anywhere.

Hair straightening help needed!?


I need help with my hair! Every time I straighten it I'm left with horrible frizz and static all over! I have really good straighteners so I know it's not them that's the problem. How can I get my hair looking gorgeous and sleek like it does when they straighten it in a salon?

Hair straightening help needed!?

use serum before straightening and a little wax after to tame the beast...

Hair straightening help needed!?

Use a hair protector spray, toni and guys is quite good, the reason your hair is getting frizzy like that is because the irons are drying it out. The spray will stop it burning and breaking.

Hair straightening help needed!?

Try TIGI Bed Head Control Freak hair serum, It is fab! You can use it on dry and wet hair and its isnt heavy so wont leave residue in your hair.

Can be pricey, but will last and really does work.

I could live without it! x

Hair straightening help needed!?

Try putting some anti-frizz serums on it after you wash it. Personally, I use Garnier Sleek and Shine serum and John Frieda anti-frizz serum (the pruple one) and it works great. Hope it helps!

Hair straightening help needed!?

you should probably get a new shampoo and conditioner,like some anti-frizz.then after that,use Bed Head anti frizz spray,then straighten your hair!good luck-hope this helps=)

Hair straightening help needed!?

always make sure your straighten it at the roots. the very tip of ur hair or it wont work. make sure uuu use a protective spray and havnt got anyother hair products in ur hair. dont blow dry it with ur hair dryer cuz that will only cause more fuss. i suggest getting ur hair cut and restyled and ask ur hairdresser.

Hair straightening help needed!?

I use GHD's and I use advance technique heat defence spray on my hair which leaves it with a great shine. Use a clip and clip the top layer of your hair up, straighten the bottom layer and the unclip the top layer and straighten it. This makes it thouroughly straight with a sleek salon finish. Use a anti-frizz syrum and use anti-frizz shampoo and conditioner. You need to straighten the roots of your hair as well so i doesn't look weird! Good Luck

Hair straightening help needed!?

if you have showered, make sure you dry you hair, and dont just let it air dry. when your done drying it, and straightening it, since your hair if getting frizzy, spray holding spray, that should keep it in place for a couple of hours.

Hair straightening help needed!?

Its because of the products they use, sun-silk have a collection of anti-frizz shampoos and conditioners. Ive also heard that tressame (the salon branded hair care line) are really good at getting the just-out-of-the-salon look.

Basically, look for frizz-ease shampoos and conditioners, oh and serums are really good to use as well.

Hair straightening help needed!?

I have this problem. You need something like anti-frizz, maybe a serum or finishing cream. May i suggest frizz ease finishing creme. It in a silver tube and its called finished something and you put it on dry hair after styling and its supposed to reduce poofiness.

Also try paul mithcell gloss drops to helps to reduce frizz. Check out redken hairline that does products for frizzy unruly hair.

Hair straightening help needed!?

paul mitchell skinny serum works wonders.

Tips on straightening your hair?

i have wavy thick hair i i just blew it dry.... i am about to straighten it but i was wondering if anyone had any tips on how to make it look shiny and profesionally done.


p.s. i will give best answer and please dont say go get it prfessionally done!

Tips on straightening your hair?

Use a shine spray and heat protection do it one layer at a time. then go over your hair with the straightners again but not in layers this time just perfectin it. then spray with a hair spray with vitimins in. nxt time you could also use a intense conditioner befor you straightin it as this gives a glossy effect.

Rember your straightners can not do everythin. The main reason for frizz is when the scalp is still damp so give ya hair a real blow dry. this also makes straightnin easier

gd lk

hope a helped


Tips on straightening your hair?

If you have really curly hair, try using some straightening and de-frizzing product first (try Rediken straightening balm, it閳ユ獨 great). Blow your hair dry. Thoroughly. Do this by first gently detangling it with a comb and then blow-drying it for a couple of seconds. Then take your brush, preferably with natural bristles and dry your hair part by part, straightening it as much as you can, gently pulling each tress with the brush.

Once done, apply a product to protect your hair from excessive heat. Prepare your hair iron, and preferably use the one with ionic or ceramic plates. The ones that make steam while straightening are also great, because they lock the moisture in your hair.

Tips on straightening your hair?

if you're thinking about straightening it everyday, you probably need to start with a really good conditioner and shampoo. i know herbal essence makes a type for people who want straighter hair. secondly, you could get a blow dryer that actually straightens a little as it dried. because the best time to style hair is when its wet. use something like the conair ion shine. using the the brush that you can attach to the actual blow drier itself, you can actually get your hair a little bit straighter as you dry and before you straighten. then straighten your hair layer by layer if possible. perhaps if you feel like your hair is too thick, go get it layered. its amazing how much hair a layered haircut can take off. after straigtening, you might want to lightly spritz over your hair with a conditioner/water mixture. i recommend spraying some of that solution in the air and then walking under it so that you don't get your hair too wet.

Tips on straightening your hair?

Use a heat protectant spray, because otherwise your hair will look dry and damaged.

Tips on straightening your hair?

I have really thick hair and I always straighten it. What I do is shampoo really well then add a dry/damaged hair conditioner (garnie fructis). Then I dry my hair and use my hair striaghtener. I would recommend using it really hot. That is why I use the damaged hair conditioner because then the next time it isn't heat damaged. I would also recommend using some frizz-ease cream (its like honey-milk, something like that). That makes it less thick and will make it straighter.

Tips on straightening your hair?

i use a ceramic iron to straighten my hair.

1.use proclaim aerasol oil on dry hair before you begin to straighten

2.make sure your hair is completely dry

3.use a low temperature setting on your iron

4.everytime you wash your hair,use hydrating shampoo and conditioner.

Tips on straightening your hair?

I suggest using a ceramic flat iron if you want to straighten your hair yourself whenever you want. The CHI ones are very good. Investing in a good flat iron is really worth it (over $150 at least). They will straighten your hair in less time and you'll get much better results. Then, use a serum like BioSilk to make your hair look shinier.

If, and I say "if" someday you decide to permanently straighten your hair, I recommend the Japanese Thermal Hair Straightening. I'm not sure but I think only asian hair salons offer them. I have 2 friends that only swear by that hair straightening method. Do a search on that and you'll see.

Tips on straightening your hair?

wash your hair in sunsilk straighten up shampoo and conditioner, its in the purple bottle, you can get it at any drug store or walmart. Then get the extra water out of your hair,. then get the sunsilk straighten up creme and dry it. then straighten it. then add a little bit more creme to keep your hair straight all day long with no poof

What is the fastest method you have for straightening your hair?

Im looking for the quickest way I can straighten my hair beginning when its wet out of the shower! I have curly but easy to manage, relaxed hair. I am very busy and it takes me about an hour and a half to blow-dry then straighten my hair with an iron. It is a wet/dry straightener but it is not good to straighten your hair when it is wet. I would like to know your methods/or your quickest method!

P.S. Has anyone ever used John Frieda's Lemon Lights? If so, how do you like it?

What is the fastest method you have for straightening your hair?

u can use a straighten cream and blow try down the flat iron with a flat iron spray

What is the fastest method you have for straightening your hair?

Erm.. I'm not too sure. I just use a hair straightener for wet and dry hair.

What is the fastest method you have for straightening your hair?

i wash with garnier sleek and shine shampoo and conditioner. as soon as i get out of the shower, i put in straightening products from tony %26amp; guy. i comb the products into the hair and then I proceed to blow dry it straight. after that the hair is pretty straight and i take hardly any time with the straightner.

What is the fastest method you have for straightening your hair?

I have the same problem with my hair, what I do is one of 2 things: either I wash my hair at night and sleep with it wet letting it dry some ovenight and it is still amp in the morning so I finish blow drying it in like 3 mins, then straighten or I power blow dry it out of the shower paying most of my attention to getting the underneath straight and dry, then concentrate more on the top when straightening.

What is the fastest method you have for straightening your hair?

i havent tried this, but if your hair is naturally wavy or curly, blow dry it while brushing it and using a hint of hairspray to keep it straight...or mousse.

yeah it sounds kinda weird. nevermind.

but maybe straightening shampoo or something?

lol this answer kinda went out the window huh?

What is the fastest method you have for straightening your hair?

well.. my hair is naturally curly n i relaxed it twice to make it straight but it didn't work, however it made it easier to straighten. like i didn't blow dry, just straightened it at first cuz i didn't kno how to blow dry but then i learned and yeah it takes a while (i guess it depends on how long your hair is cuz w/shorter hair it doesnt take as much as long hair) but if you did have wet hair i would blow dry it even tho it might take longer.. at least if you have the patience.. and if your hair is dry i would also use a blowdrier for best results or you can get a really good straightener that straigten really fast. but before you straighten your hair you should put in like an iron-heat-protector which you can get at a salon or a leave in conditioner. good luck =)

What is the fastest method you have for straightening your hair?

when im out of the shower.. i put in my oils and whatnot

let it dry either air dry or if u want to be super fast just blow dry on fasttt

like not straightening it blowdrying.. just literally dry it

then i jus flat iron it without the whole blowdrying straight thing

saves time.. just comb through the section that u are straightening before running an iron over it

dont waste your time blowdrying it straight

How to get rid of chemical hair straightening.?

so i chemically straightened my hair a year and a half ago and i still dont have all of my curls back yet....half of my hair is curly at the top and the other half is wavy.....and i've tried the clarifying shampoo that takes out chemicals but it didnt work....anyone have any solutions?

How to get rid of chemical hair straightening.?

You have to keep trimming your hair every 6-8 weeks until all of the chemical is gone. It's the only way. A chemical straightner alters the structural bond of the hair shaft so it can't be changed back.

How to get rid of chemical hair straightening.?

My answer was better plus I gave options until your hair grows out. Report It

How to get rid of chemical hair straightening.?

cut it

How to get rid of chemical hair straightening.?

read tips on haircare that might help you out on this site

How to get rid of chemical hair straightening.?

what ya do is go to a professional, she will help you regain your natural curlyness. trust me. i had it done and it worked. :D

How to get rid of chemical hair straightening.?

Ohh, you better get professional help with that one or you might fry your hair hun. Then after they help you out they will probably give you good tips so that it doesn't happen again. Good luck:)

How to get rid of chemical hair straightening.?

Sorry but you cannot strip a relaxer. Your best bet is to let it grow out while clipping 1/2" a month till the relaxer is all gone. Your curls should be back in no time. In the meantime a straw set would give you some nice curls.