Tuesday, November 17, 2009

My hair is really dry from straightening it so much. How do I get it healthy like it used to be?

I straighten my hair every day and I try not to but it looks HORRIBLE and puffy if I dont. I want it to look healthier...are there ANY products or anything that will help me get healthier hair.

My hair is really dry from straightening it so much. How do I get it healthy like it used to be?

olive oil or carrot oil is really good and it's light so it won't weigh your hair down

My hair is really dry from straightening it so much. How do I get it healthy like it used to be?

first stop straightening it. Secondly use a shampoo that repairs hair damage due to hairstyling appliances such as pantene pro-V or therma silk. Lastly condition it but not with the leave in conditioners.

My hair is really dry from straightening it so much. How do I get it healthy like it used to be?

first off get a haircut!! this will eliminate any current damage that can potentially lead to worsening the problem.

next, WALK AWAY FROM THE HEAT, GIRLFRIEND! hide all of your heat styling products, as they won't do much for saving your hair. i strongly reccomend investing in expensive salon used shampoo (i.e. joico, regis, etc). i'm sure you can recall the last time you got your hair cut %26amp; styled by a pro- it felt and looked FAB! that's because the pro's use pro products.

hope this helped dawling!

My hair is really dry from straightening it so much. How do I get it healthy like it used to be?

brands of shampoos and conditioners such as Dove and Garnier Fructise both make specialized kinds of shampoo that improove damaged hair greatly. they both work very well.

My hair is really dry from straightening it so much. How do I get it healthy like it used to be?

coconut oil, use it like an emulsion or hot oil the natural way.

My hair is really dry from straightening it so much. How do I get it healthy like it used to be?

use pantene pro-v shampoo. it really makes your hair soft and silky again. and once a month go to your hairdresser to trim off the dead ends and get a deep conditioning.

My hair is really dry from straightening it so much. How do I get it healthy like it used to be?

In my day the popular thing was Mayonaise. Real mayo not miracle whip. Put that on your hair and cover with a plastic cap for about half an hour and shampoo.

It worked back then

My hair is really dry from straightening it so much. How do I get it healthy like it used to be?

olive oil

My hair is really dry from straightening it so much. How do I get it healthy like it used to be?

When I had long hair I found using the hot oils you can buy worked well. Monthly, wet the hair, heat the oil, put lots on (like the entire bottle), wrap with warm towels (change every 5 minutes) for 15 minutes, then wash and condition.

You need to use a moisturizing shampoo and add a conditioner. Some people think that putting mayo helps condition the hair but I have never tried it.

Your hair is usually drier in the winter as is your skin. But if you have this problem year round, I would recommend you talk to a doctor. You could have a thyroid problem that shows first in dry and brittle hair.

My hair is really dry from straightening it so much. How do I get it healthy like it used to be?

yes there are products for that try to find a spray leave on conditioner. that happened 2 me and i used that product and it made my hair healthier and shiner.

My hair is really dry from straightening it so much. How do I get it healthy like it used to be?

I straighten my hair too...and i just recently started usingthe sunsilk straightning shampoo and conditioner...so far its worked really well..

My hair is really dry from straightening it so much. How do I get it healthy like it used to be?


My hair is really dry from straightening it so much. How do I get it healthy like it used to be?

Straightening would cause loses in the hair's nutrients and moisture. So, you should add some deep hair treatment once a week to your hair. Here are some commercial products I reommend: http://beauty-tricks.com/index.php?optio...

If you are interested in home remedies, you could check out some here as well:


My hair is really dry from straightening it so much. How do I get it healthy like it used to be?

Dove, just by useing it a week, it would take a mounths werth of damege out of it!

Good Luck!! =)

My hair is really dry from straightening it so much. How do I get it healthy like it used to be?

I had this same problem in the summer. i used to flat iron my hair everyday, but i learned that your hair could break off severly(i know it happened to me). you should first get it cut to eliminate the dead parts of your hair then you should consult your hair stylist and get deep conditioning. If you cant do that then use speacilty shampoos like garnie frutis. dont use the flat iron only once when you first wash your hair. believe me your hair would start becoming healthy again. I got my hair cut in aougust and its already growin back and healthy.

hope its the same for you, good luck!

My hair is really dry from straightening it so much. How do I get it healthy like it used to be?

check the links below for natural homemade beauty tips to:Oilyhair/Dryhair


Read...Free Beauty tips on....natural and homemade methods to:

Skincare/Acne-pimple cure/Blemishes/Whiteheads/Blackheads/

Wrinkles/Freckles/Steaming/herbal recipe for skin


Hot oil massages/protien treatment/Henna on hair



Eye care/Darkcircles/Puffiness/eyebags

Herbal tips/Herbal recipe


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Makeup/Hairstyles %26amp; photo gallery/

Weightloss /Hairremoval/ etc...


My hair is really dry from straightening it so much. How do I get it healthy like it used to be?

Okay, this works super well, and I am doing this as we speak!!

Olive oil can really save your hair! It has so many nutrients in it, and it is light, so your hair can absorb it easily. This is what you do:

You need,

A comb (optional)

Olive Oil

Plastic bag or Hot Towel

This sounds a bit crazy, but it really works. You take the olive oil and put some in your hands, then massage it into your hair. Use your fingers to massage your scalp and get it on every hair. Don't use so much that your hair DRIPS with olive oil, but your hair should sortof look like how it does when it's wet. It also helps if you heat up the olive oil. I heat it up by putting the olive oil into some container, then filling up the sink with steaming water. Then I put the container into the hot water and let it soak for a minute or two, then it heats up nicely. After you are done with the olive oil, take the hot towel, or plastic bag, and wrap it around your head. Wait 30 minutes, then shower and use gentle shampoo, no conditioner. Don't force the olive oil out of your hair with your nails, "massage" it out.


My hair is really dry from straightening it so much. How do I get it healthy like it used to be?

If your hair is dry don't wash them every day! Shampoo and hot water are the biggest moisture zappers there are!

%26lt;%26gt;First of all get a shampoo that is for animals and humans (I pesonally recommend Mane 'n Tail) So you can be sure that there are no chemicals.

%26lt;%26gt;Then, get a good hairmask. Use it every other month.

%26lt;%26gt;The months you don't use the hair mask pour oil on your hair in the shower and wash and condition as usual.

%26lt;%26gt;Every week put a mayo mixture and leave in over night. Wash it out in the morning.

Here is the Recipe:

1 cup mayo

1/4 cup sour cream

1 raw egg

1/8 cup extra virgin olive oil


%26lt;%26gt;Mix together and slather on dry or wet hair.

%26lt;%26gt;Massage into your head for 5 minutes.

%26lt;%26gt;Put a shower cap on your head and a towel on your pillow.

%26lt;%26gt;Wash out in the morning.

(%26lt;%26gt;if you can't sleep with it leave it in for at least 1 hour and then wash out in the morning).

%26lt;%26gt;If you have oily hair pour lemon juice or vinigar on your hair instead of the oil.

****%26lt;%26gt;****Always do a final rinse in cold water. This will seal up the hair cutical and give you shine, and a lot less breakage.****%26lt;%26gt;****


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