Tuesday, November 17, 2009

My hair is very dammaged from straightening it what should I do?

I straighten my hair everyday because if I dont it's poofy and ugly. It's also very blonde and I'm not willing to change the colour. Does anyone know any treatments that will help my hair become healthy again?

My hair is very dammaged from straightening it what should I do?

try a hot oil treatment, or like a placenta based hair repair system, the protein is good for your hair, but hot oil is good, and lots of conditioner when you wash your hair. I have the saaame problem, i hate it, i cant just dry my hair it's poofy and frizzy and curly, yuuuck

My hair is very dammaged from straightening it what should I do?

my hair is very blonde also. I started using Herbal Essances Hello Hydration. It works great and is pretty cheap.

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