Tuesday, November 17, 2009

Anyone have advice on straightening your hair?

I have naturally curly hair and I was considering getting one of those kits like for perms only this straightens your hair. Has anyone ever used this stuff my hair does frizz if I blow dry it or in certain weatherbut not to bad I am curios if anyone has ever used this on their hair and if they liked if it turned out well what is this best kind does it last forever or will it wear off in case I dont like it straight. Did it ruin your hair? I have heard that it would. I do have sort of thick hair as well. My hair is not like tight curls but not wavy either like a mixture of both. Should I just use a flat iron thing instead of the chemical way and whats the best styling product to help it not be frizzy straight but straight if you know what I mean. Any advice would be great.

Thanks in advance

Anyone have advice on straightening your hair?

Unfortunately none of that stuff really works. Even if you go to a salon to get your hair straightened it still doesn鈥檛 really work. It helps (very damaging to your hair though) but in the end you still have to use styling tools at home to straighten it. First off, you will want a good salon shampoo and conditioner; they are a little pricey but definitely worth it. I usually stock up when they are having sales. If you want something that will fight humidity then get Sleek Looks shampoo and conditioner; it鈥檚 made my Matrix and both are in orange bottles. If you don鈥檛 have a problem with humidity then Biolage Hydrating shampoo and conditioner works really well; also made my Matrix. I usually use Sleek Looks in the summer and Biolage in the winter. You should also get a product called Bio Silk. It鈥檚 like a lotion for your hair and you only have to use a tiny bit of it, plus is smells wonderful. It can be put in your hair wet or dry. I usually put a little bit in my hair while it鈥檚 wet right before I blow dry my hair and then I put a tiny bit more in before I use the flat iron; it helps with frizz and it help protect your hair from the heat damage. Use a big paddle brush to blow dry your hair straight and then use a flat iron to make your hair even straighter and silkier. Sometimes I use a big curling iron to flip the ends of my hair up, other times I just flat iron the ends so their stick straight; depends on my mood. Rinse the conditioner out of your hair with cold water, I know it sounds horrible but the benefits are worth it. Don鈥檛 wash your hair every day; try to only wash it every 2 to 3 days so the natural oils in your hair can do their thing to keep your hair healthy. I鈥檝e been doing all of this for most of my life and I have managed to keep my really healthy despite all the torture I put it through. Hope this was helpful and good luck.

Anyone have advice on straightening your hair?

my friend has nat. wavy hair,

and she blow drys it and brushes it out when it's already dry, she says it takes much less time;

her hair doesn't get ruined.

Anyone have advice on straightening your hair?

The kit worked on my hair it frizzes too

Anyone have advice on straightening your hair?

just go to a hairdresser woman. and if you cant afford it, use a hot comb to do the bussiness. ah ah. jeez

Anyone have advice on straightening your hair?

since its ur 1st time, do it in the salon or u'll b back here asking 4 our help. once u do it the hair remains straight but u will need to re-touch the roots every time ur natural hair grows. that is after every 4-6 weeks u'll need to put the straightener in the roots to make it look like the rest of the hair.

remember to mosturise ur hair more coz relaxers will dry out ur hair making it look dull and dry. so use good shampoos and conditioners for dry colour-treated hair to give it the glossy look.

Anyone have advice on straightening your hair?

well i have been straightening my hair for about 4 years and i have tried buying a kit from like walmart or something and it was about 10 bucks, it didnt do anything for me!!! but it didnt wreck my hair either, your best bet is to just keep on straightening it with a flat iron.

if you get your hair professionally straightened it has big chances of damaging your hair big time! but for some people it isnt so bad, your choice!

my opinion: just straighten it with a normal flat iron, but i would put some products on when you get out of the shower or something to keep your hair from frying real bad =]]

good luck!!

Anyone have advice on straightening your hair?

i bought the boots home straightening kit around 4 months ago and my hair is still shiny and kind of straight. My hair is excactly like yours and frizzes when blow drying or raining. The boots kit is 拢15 and takes 3 hours to do...it may take ages but its worth it. it does damage your hair but you don't have to straighten it everyday which damages it more. i really reccomend it. :)

Anyone have advice on straightening your hair?

I have naturally wavy hair and i hate it i find that if you divide your hair into sections it will straighten better.

Be sure to protect your hair before straightening with something like 'Tresemme- heat defence stying spray' as heat may damage hair, but if protected it will not harm it.

Straight hair will go back to curly when it is wet so be careful near water.

Anyone have advice on straightening your hair?

i wouldnt do it yourself, you could mess up. go to a professional hair person or whatever. and no, the results cannot possibly last forever, maybe 6 months to a year at the most.

Anyone have advice on straightening your hair?

What you are talking about is a permanent relaxer. I would not suggest that you do this by yourself. I would suggest that you go to a salon to get this done. It does not wear off. If you plan on doing it yourself you need to pull and streach the hair straight with the products. After the product has processed rinse your hair for 5 minutes. If you do not rinse your hair for 5 minutes or more the smell will stay in your hair. You will smell it every time you shampoo your hair. After you rinse you should towel blot then apply the nuetralizer for 5 minutes. Do not shampoo, braid or but in a pony tail for 48-72 hours.

Anyone have advice on straightening your hair?

hey well my hair is really thick 2, but its not ugly. My hair is also curly, I just flat iron it. So to keep the damage to a minimum In bought the best straightener, a Chi (Chee) But they are really expensive, about $150. So if you looking for something a little cheaper go with somthing cearamic( its the best) and use a product in you hair when you straiten it, it reduces the dameage and it keeps it straiter longer I use the Chi spray or KMS Hot pressed spray. Both are amazing. Oh and I would NOT recomend the chemicals its damaging but if you dead set at least get it done by someone who is a perfesinal so you know that it is getting done right.

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