Wednesday, November 4, 2009

What is less harsh on your hair, straightening it everyday, or having a body wave?

It's Summer, and I really want a hairstyle that I can just get up, and not very much maintance. I also really like the look of my hair when it's straight, but whats better for my hair..blowdrying and straightening it everyday, or getting a body wave, and just blow drying a little, and some styling products??

Thanks for the help!

What is less harsh on your hair, straightening it everyday, or having a body wave?

Cut it all off. That's what I did.

What is less harsh on your hair, straightening it everyday, or having a body wave?

To leave your hair natural is best in the long run. You can straighten occasionally, but everyday will damage your hair.

What is less harsh on your hair, straightening it everyday, or having a body wave?

Straightening is definitly more harsh on your hair! But you can always get a perm if you like the look that much and don't want to waste your time doing it over every day.

What is less harsh on your hair, straightening it everyday, or having a body wave?

if oyu want to straighten it everyday you should get it japanese straightened i just got mine done 2 days ago.

it has absolutely NO MAINTENANCE

you can wake up with it straight and you can get out of the shower with it straight so if oyu want straight hair everyday.. why not? haha good luck!

What is less harsh on your hair, straightening it everyday, or having a body wave?

the second choice and i really like when my hair is wet and then i loadit with gel and scrunch the crazy out of it and pin some peics back out of my face and add flowers

What is less harsh on your hair, straightening it everyday, or having a body wave?

straighten it every day. my 13 year old sis does that, and her hair is shiny and beautiful. good luck. oh and after you straighten it, use a slightly wet comb to go through it.

What is less harsh on your hair, straightening it everyday, or having a body wave?

Wow, good question. I'd have to say straightening only because it doesn't require chemicals to do so. Summertime is not the best time for a bodywave if you're going to be going in the pool. WAAYYY too much chemicals in your hair and chlorine might have adverse affect.

What is less harsh on your hair, straightening it everyday, or having a body wave?

As long as you blow dry with your dryer on a warm and then cool setting, .. you shouldn't damage your hair at all with the dryer. If you have dry hair apply a leave-in conditioner every day to help with damage control. Straightening every day is hard on your hair, and you should always use a straightening product before you straighten it. It seals the hair folicle shut so you protect the hair shaft. Either way, if you prefer straight every day or a body curl, then I would suggest getting one of them 'permanently' and professionally done. They you have nothing to do over the summer except wash 'n go!

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